An anthropomorphic Earth in Tokyo, as seen from space

Shibaura Water Recycling Center.JPG

O, the joys of Google Maps! Picture above is the roof of the Shibaura Water Recycling Center, located in Minato-ku, Tokyo, courtesy of the municipal Bureau of Sewerage (click the image to see the Google Maps representation). Why they decided to make their mascot, an anthropomorphic planet Earth wearing a manhole cover and Japan highlighted in red (see below), visible from above I have no idea, but it’s pretty sweet.

Earthy main07.gif

10 thoughts on “An anthropomorphic Earth in Tokyo, as seen from space”

  1. Oh good, I see you are somewhat tuned into odd representational imagery atm; farm-porn attacks notwithstanding. I’m now highly expectant of a more concrete visual of your enthusiastic Japanese Frankenstein.

  2. Really? My post at Neomarxisme is sandwiched between two posts there from you:

    “Frankenstein monster of Japan enthusiasts”… any chance of visual/s of that intriguing imagery?

    The quote is yours. Likewise, I don’t really know what’s so random or confusing about my post on your site. Particularly when our posts are something like five minutes apart on Neomarxisme.

  3. You’re funny 🙂 I know that. I know the image on your site is not a visual of the ‘Frankenstein monster of Japan enthusiasts’ you mention on Marxy’s site. I think I’ll just forget about it, you’re obviously having difficulty, or, it’s just not your thing, and it doesnt really matter anyway 🙂

  4. The map of Japan is red;Meaning special.
    Notice Mr.Earth’s right hand,one finger.Meaning No1.
    Answer;Japan as No,1.
    This could be a coded message to some secret society of Japan enthusiasts who
    seek the global supremacy of the rising sun.Adamu!
    And you exposed their existence by an accident.The Animal orgy attack is only a beggining.Maybe we’ve created a some kind of a monster, Leave your belonging and take Mrs.Adamu to the American Embassy,Quick!

    I confess I just saw “Da Vinci Code”.

  5. BTW, I think Earthy is actually making the “L” sign for “loser” which would turn your kooky little theory right on its head.

  6. But,But….That doesn’t make any sense Adamu!
    After all It’s been more than 60 Years…
    We even forgot that had ever happened!

  7. That is “L” for “Latino”. Notice that the earth is looking across the Pacific at Japan? It is a harbinger of a great immigration influx. Or not.

    Come to think of it, he also looks like he wants to punch something.

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