Kim Jong Il Profile – from Japanese Manga

KJI Profile English

I just translated this amusing manga profile of Kim Jong Il. It was passed on to me by Curzon, but neither one of us is sure of the original source. If anyone knows what it’s from, please email me or leave a comment. Japanese readers are encouraged to check out the manga Kim Jong Il Introduction (金正日入門), which was itself translated from Korean, but not being a Korean reader I’m unable to provide any information on the original version. Avaliable here at Amazon Japan, and the second volume here.

This panel is not from either of those books, but if you like it then you’ll like them.

Untranslated version is in the full post.

KJI Profile Japanese


6 thoughts on “Kim Jong Il Profile – from Japanese Manga”

  1. Being that the Kim Jong Il manga is from Korea (where it was banned), it has a decidedly serious political tone. While Jong-il is ridiculed for his extravagance and cruelty, the real point of the manga is to look at his life, eyewitness accounts, and his country’s history to gain clues about the man’s personality. It’s a very good read, although I can’t imagine it being a hit in the US.

  2. Hey, do you know if they have the manga available in English? I would love to buy it for my International Relations teacher.

  3. Sorry, I’m pretty sure that this page I’ve translated is all there is in English. If you know someone who wants to publish it, I’d be happy to translate the rest!

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