7 thoughts on “Profiles in Desperation”

  1. Hi folks, sorry for the offtopic, but wanted to tell that I just discovered this blog and I’ve got to compliment and gratulate with the people writing in it, because it’s just awesome.
    The entries here cover such a huge amout of stuff and topics that I was really interested in knowing but wasn’t able to find anywhere on the internet.
    I already know I’ll spend hours reading tons of stuff here, though the only thing I failed to find in this site, is an About page which in this internet blog seems to be missing. In facts to begin my read with I would’ve liked to get some info about the authors first, and how did they get to collect such experiences in their lives, but that’s not really a problem, I suppose it will be fixed while reading the entries.

  2. There is potential for a novel here. A kind of Pearl Buck meets John Steinbeck tale, with lots of foreshadowing.

  3. Hi folks, sorry for the offtopic, but wanted to tell that I just discovered this blog and I’ve got to compliment and gratulate with the people writing in it, because it’s just awesome.
    The entries here cover such a huge amout of stuff and topics that I was really interested in knowing but wasn’t able to find anywhere on the internet.
    I already know I’ll spend hours reading tons of stuff here, though the only thing I failed to find in this site, is an About page which in this internet blog seems to be missing. In facts to begin my read with I would’ve liked to get some info about the authors first, and how did they get to collect such experiences in their lives, but that’s not really a problem, I suppose it will be fixed while reading the entries.

    The spambots are getting clever.

  4. “The burned out shell of Ginza was full of little makeshift gardens during this time too.”

    Right now in Ginza, a group of farmers has rented out a section of land and is using it to sell discount vegetables. This is just steps away from Tiffanys but thanks to the recession they couldnt find any other tenants. I dont wanna compare current conditions to the early postwar period, but Ginza has certainly seen better days.

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