2ch to be shut down??!?

UPDATE: 2ch might be safe after all.

top12.gifZAKZAK reports that a 35-year-old man who is suing 2 channel founder Hiroyuki Nishimura has filed to put a lien on all Nishimura’s assets, including the 2ch.net domain. The filing comes after months of Nishimura’s complete refusal to respond to any legal actions against him, including judgments ordering him to delete inflammatory posts and even pay compensation.

Nishimura can object to the motion, but if he does not respond 2ch could be shut down in as early as 2 weeks! He may decide to move the 2ch servers to a different domain, but such a move could take up to 2 weeks due to the decentralized nature of the server.

DOUBLE UPDATE: So far it looks like ZAKZAK has the exclusive scoop on the motion to seize Hiroyuki’s assets, and we at MF have the first reporting of the development in English. ZAKZAK’s close connection to the story could stem from their earlier coverage of Hiroyuki’s legal troubles.

UPDATE: A fitting goodbye as any (if it doesn’t show up look at post 34 in this thread):

34 :名無しさん@七周年:2007/01/12(金) 13:48:23 ID:LrUGxQZl0
                                 ∧ ∧   ∧ ∧
   /⌒~~~⌒\                       (   ,,)   (,,・Д・)
 / ( ゚〟д〟゚ )y─┛~~                ~(___ノ  ~(___ノ ,?_
(_ ノ? U  ∩_∩)   THANK YOU 2ch     ┌───────┐   \
  ?___J _J         and          (| ●        ● |      ヽ
  / ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄\  GOOD-BYE 2ch WORLD! /.| .┌▽▽▽▽┐ .|____|__||_| ))
 /     ●  ●、                   ( ┤ .|        | .|□━□ )
 |Y  Y       \ またどこかで会おうね  \.  .└△△△△┘ .|  J  |)
 |.|   |       .▼ |                 | \あ\      | ∀ ノ
 | \/        _人|∧∧∩゛冫、 .∧_∧      |    \り.\     . |  – ′
 |       _/)/)/( ゚Д゚)/ `  . (´∀` )..ヽ(´ー`)ノ  \が\ .   |  )
 \    / 〔/\〕 U  / ∩∩ (    ) (___)    \と.\ .|/
  | | | c(*・_・)  |  |ヽ(´ー`)ノ_|  |  | |   |~ /\.\う\| (-_-)
  (__)_) UUUU /∪∪ (___)(_(__) ◎ ̄ ̄◎─┘ .└──┘.(∩∩)

23 thoughts on “2ch to be shut down??!?”

  1. As much as I appreciate 2ch, this is way overdue. Hiroyuki was completely irresponsible in his management of the site.

    It’s interesting that Japanese court orders can’t be enforced, but money judgments can. You’d think that someone would fix that hole in the law. Maybe they’re afraid of activist judges. Who knows.

  2. Not sure how civ pro works in Japan as far as seizing the assets in the case of a default judgment (I know exactly how it works in NY: the sherriff comes a’knocking), but can a website be seized as an asset?

    This guy has so many judgments against him its nuts.

  3. I’m sure the data could be copied. You’d just need to find someone with the server wherewithal to host it.

    I wonder who will end up with the domain? Maybe Debito should get in line for it.

  4. According to the article “anything that can be given a price” is subject to forfeiture.


    The full judgment might be online soon at the court’s site.

  5. The Civil Execution Act is available here. It looks like an “executioner” (執行官 shikkokan), who is an officer of the court, is responsible for performing the execution, but they can do it in cooperation with local officials or the police if they need to. There’s a separate statute governing the executioners specifically but it doesn’t seem to provide any particular qualification to become one. General civil service job, I guess?

    Interestingly, they need special court permission to take your stuff at night or on a holiday (including Sundays).

  6. Debito’s 41, isn’t he? So he’s not the one behind the sinking of the “good” ship 2ch.

    Saw on Gen Kanai’s blog today a reminder of posts by marxy from two years ago where he suggests (and Wikipedia backs up, to some extent, apparently) that Densha Otoku was a money-making scheme brewed up by Hiroyuki and Dentsu. Perhaps some of the rights to mechandising can also be forfeited?

  7. It doesn’t say seizing a website, it says seizing a domain. Domain’s are considered property, and have been bought and sold, and sued and killed for. Look up some of the epic battle over sex.com for the craziest example I know of.

    Hiroyuki can always take his servers and relocate to another domain.

  8. Without 2-ch, where will go to speculate whether Norimitsu Onishi is secretly Korean or not!? (In weird feedback, they always catch me talking about 2-ch on 2-ch and then call me a 左翼.)

    For the record, I don’t think Dentsu, Fuji, and Shinchosha were behind the initial Densha Otoko hoax (that was either Hiroyuki himself or someone else) – but the guys at those companies who made a killing off it where happy to perpetrate the myth of its reality and assure people that the guy exists and is still happily “dating” (but not married to?) the Hermes girl. Shouldn’t there be a dekichatta kekkon between the two at this point???

  9. “Without 2-ch, where will go to speculate whether Norimitsu Onishi is secretly Korean or not!? ”
    Don’t worry, we’ll always have Wikipedia for that.

    ”they always catch me talking about 2-ch on 2-ch and then call me a 左翼”
    I’ve been called both チョウ右翼 and チョウ左翼 on 2ch. I love it.

  10. Getting rid of 2chan would cut the amount of racist abuse kicking around the Japanese side of the internet by 2/3….

  11. I can’t believe Nishimura registered the domain with a Japanese registrar. Given the site’s legal exposure, that’s just plain stupid. Not to say his previous reactions to court rulings were very bright either, but still.

  12. “超右翼?,You?I don’t believe it.”
    It was based on one line in a post I wrote about colonialism in the Philippines where I said something like “Of course American colonialism was bad, but it was less bad than Spain had been” because you know, the idea that things are relative is obviously crazy right wing. I figure it was from someone who just doesn’t know much English.

  13. Ever read “Korea the politcs of the vortex” by Gregory Henderson,MF?
    Maybe this line was just in Japanese translation from Saimaru(now out of buisiness)
    And there were some interesting analysis which were certainly ahead of his times,like Kim Il Sung is copying divinity cult of the Japanese Imperial System to his political regime and so on.But Henderson was also saying “The existence of anti Japanese sentiment in Korea and the lack of equivalent to the American in the Phillipines was due to the American colonialism was less bad than the Japanese colonialism in Korea”.Now what I read in some Japanese books….
    Well, maybe I ‘ll stop hijacking threads and stop attracting some marmot’s hole gangs!

  14. Simul did go under; it was snatched up by Benesse and put back in business (Simul Int’l, the language services division, and the academy).

  15. The latest comment about this blog on 2ch:

    and another saying:


  16. Where exactly in 2ch is that?MF.I gotta take a look!

  17. They come from the “Fight back in English against foreign anti-Japanese propaganda” thread on the English forum. We get mentioned there occasionally (Link)

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