Child repellant backfires

Curses! They’re feeding off the rays!

Students find ring tone adults can’t hear

NEW YORK – Students are using a new ring tone to receive messages in class — and many teachers can’t even hear the ring.

Some students are downloading a ring tone off the Internet that is too high-pitched to be heard by most adults. With it, high schoolers can receive text message alerts on their cell phones without the teacher knowing.

The ring tone is a spin-off of technology that was originally meant to repel teenagers — not help them. A Welsh security company developed the tone to help shopkeepers disperse young people loitering in front of their stores while leaving adults unaffected. The company called their product the “Mosquito.”

4 thoughts on “Child repellant backfires”

  1. Solution: Get each teacher a hearing-aid that doesn’t amplify sound, it modulates the pitch so that they can hear the ringtone. Caveat: Creepiness factor increased when every child in class sounds like a Goa’uld from Stargate.

  2. ……………and so i can see the advancement in technology and how much students are benefitting of it.

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