I thought I had something to say but I lost my train of thought completely

1) Hip Hop Gospel Mimes — The best in the business. (Thanks SA)

2) Link to DPJ Candidate’s Website Goes to Porn Site Instead — Remember last year’s vice presidential debate? NO?! Well in it Cheney kept repeating some site name, and I thought it would be totally within the realm of possibility for the link he gave out to automatically forward you to goatse.cx.. You know, since he’s so evil and all. Well anyway, Hiroko Mizushima, an opposition party member running for office in Japan’s upcoming election, came close to fulfilling my fantasies. A link to her site posted on the Osaka Prefectural Chapter of the Democratic Party of Japan’s website mistakenly pointed instead to German site “Porn Diamonds” (LINK NOT SAFE FOR WORK). According to Mizushima’s staff, she had changed her site’s address after her provider went out of business, but the Prefectural Chapter just never updated it. Oops!

The face of international togetherness...

3) U.S. Targets Sex Abuse of Exchange Students — Think of it as a little like that scene in American Pie, only instead of an American supermodel faking an accent and stripping in front of a camera it’s a pathetic biology teacher (pictured above) sneaking into a girl’s bedroom and begging for head. Or it’s a fat Asian man feeding booze to Scandinavian boys and then trying to grab their ding-ding-dongs.

I wasn’t molested when I spent my senior year of high school in Japan, but I easily could have been, as the article explains:

Foreign students are among the most vulnerable minors because they usually do not know U.S. laws, are unfamiliar with customs, are dependent on host families or sponsors, don’t know what to do when abused or are afraid to act, according to Lt. Frank Baker of the Allegan County Sheriff’s Office…

“For a predator, this is the ideal situation,” Baker said.

One girl from Japan who went to the U.S. as an exchange student told me a couple befriended her only to make her watch them have sex when she visited their home.

This article reminded me of how we in America treat exchange students who come to our schools. Tales of rape or molestation seem pretty rare (or maybe just go unreported), but victimization tends to arise when support mechanisms fail. I’ve heard of kids being completely ignored or starved by cheap host families who were looking to make a quick buck by hosting someone. Of course, on the opposite side of the spectrum I’ve heard of guys who were taken under the wing of the local jocks and then put through initiation rites that rival the most hardcore frat houses, not to mention girls who become the target of competition between the guys.

Of course, the vast majority of people who come here to visit end up treasuring the experience as I do my time in Japan. Without that early exposure to the world outside America, I would have ended up a lot like the type of people Maddox likes to make fun of.

4 thoughts on “I thought I had something to say but I lost my train of thought completely”

  1. A 16-year old Japanese student has been placed in the home of a parolee by the following student exchange program:

    The Foundation for Academic Cultural Exchange
    4104 NW 68th Drive
    Gainesville, FL 32606

    Directors: Richard and Beverly Moss
    Phone: 800-527-2664

    Mr. Moss, Director of F.A.C.E., stated to Danielle Grijalva, Director of the Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students, that the host father is on parole until July, 2006. Mr. Moss included that the host father was convicted in Georgia for burglary, wherein he served 144 months in jail. He added, the host father’s wife’s ex-husband “is in jail for life for sexual misconduct.”

    Mr. Moss confirmed that the natural parents have not been apprised of the fact that this student has been placed in the home of a parolee.

    It has been confirmed with the St. Augustine Police Department and the Sheriff’s Department that host father has nine charges against him.

    As the Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students stated to Mr. Moss, we make no excuses for the protection of children.

    This matter has been turned over to Mr. Stanley Colvin of the United States Department of State in Washington, D.C.


    Danielle Grijalva, Director
    Committee for Safety of Foreign Exchange Students
    P.O. Box 6496
    Oceanside, CA 92052

  2. Ms. Grijalva does not know how to get her facts straight. She is on a mission to destroy a foundation and a family that has done nothing wrong. She makes phones calls claiming to be something she is not trying to get information that is not there, taking someones past and turning it around to fit her own needs. Causing problems that don’t need to be caused. Her mission is to make noise where it don’t need to be made. She needs to leave the family alone and go about her life before she ruins them FOR NO REASON. People like her are just out to make a name for themselves at the expense of others. It’s not right and not fair for her to print THE WRONG INFORMATION AND QUOTE PEOPLE THAT NEVER SAID THESE THINGS

  3. Um, what exactly is going on here? You two seem to be waging some sort of war of words on this site but we don’t have any power over the safety of exchange students who come to the US. This is just the blog of three bored 20-somethings with an unhealthy obsession with Japan.

    If you have something to say about things written on this site, please feel free to write a comment, not just paste some letter accusing people of putting a child in danger.

  4. See the Ms. Grijalva started this whole thing by posting her letter here in the first place. Make false statements and not getting her facts straight before blasting people. Just because a man is on parole does’nt mean he’s dangerous orwill lead into danger, Look at the crime first, before making that false Claims. See, I have known the family for a longtime, and the man she is attacking is a hard honest working man who has nothing to hide, and has turned his life around. And a person like Ms. Grijalva, should not make acqusations against someone she don’t know nothin about. Tis family has been hosting for years and has never had a problems what so ever. I want to thank u for letting say my peace. I like your site.

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