Oricon Survey – professional Japanese want to get more exercise, stop wasting money, quit their jobs

ZAKZAK reports on a recent Oricon online “monitor” survey of professionals aged 20-49. When asked a multiple-answer question on what activities they want to “graduate from” (read: grow out of), they gave the following top responses:

  1. Lack of exercise (37.9%)
  2. Wasteful spending (27.8%)
  3. Being too easy on myself (26.4%)
  4. Between-meal snacks (23.3%)
  5. Negative thinking (20.4%)
  6. Being single (19.9%)
  7. Wasting time (18.8%)
  8. My current workplace (18.3%)
  9. Habit of skipping things/being lazy about doing things (18.3%, tied for 8th)
  10. Staying up too late (16.5%)

The poll is positioned as a list of graduation season resolutions, as March is the time when most schools hold their graduation ceremonies just ahead of the new fiscal/scholastic year in April.


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