Google Reader shared items meets the Adamukun blog!

Now my shared items are easier to view than ever — check them out as the top post on the new and improved Adamukun blog! I have also beefed up my sidebar.

As always I will keep my juiciest tidbits for the MFT audience (and occasionally Neojaponisme), but for right now I am having fun messing around with the Blogger settings and posting complete randomness.

While I am here, allow me to place the unqualified Adamu seal of approval on my new favorite band, Mates of State. I’ve been annoying my colleagues by humming this same tune for the past week or so:

Also, just curious: anyone else going to see Death Cab next weekend?

2 thoughts on “Google Reader shared items meets the Adamukun blog!”

  1. I’ve been listening to Mates of State for a couple of years. Super catchy. I was thinking of going to the Death Cab show in Osaka, but never got around to finding anyone to go with, getting tickets etc.

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