11 thoughts on “Uyoku done right, uyoku done wrong”

  1. Duh, that was dumb on my part… all the male singers look the same to me any more…

  2. Yup, only in Japan would doing something as ‘extremist’ as singing the national anthem be called “right wing.”

    Aso for PM.

  3. According to the Yomiuri a couple days ago, Youtube clips like that are egregiously illegal and you should be ashamed of yourself!

  4. Plenty of people in Japan will say that Kimgayo is an inappropriate national anthem, considering that it was used during the Imperialist period. Remember that it was only made official again a couple of years ago. I have actually heard that even though it is once again being sung in schools and so on, it has never once been sung in the presence of the current Emperor.

  5. True. When I was in high school in Japan (1999), they played Kimigayo at a graduation ceremony and none of the kids knew what they were supposed to do. Nowadays people have at least figured out that they should stand and make some salute-like gesture. Of course, they could be singing the decoy version.

  6. “Nowadays people have at least figured out that they should stand and make some salute-like gesture.”

    Obuchi and his pals figured it out for them, you mean.

    Oh god, that Arashi video was terrible. I couldn’t watch it to the end.

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