Japanese quiz again

Word that I should have known but only learned recently:


What’s it mean? No cheating!

10 thoughts on “Japanese quiz again”

  1. Hmm, dankai no sedai. Generation, obviously. The “dan” is collective, and the “kai” is “katamari” as in lump, clod. Something like “the mass generation.”

    I’m reminded of Jose Ortega y Gasset’s The Revolt of the Masses, but I suspect that the second comment is correct. It must refer to the massive clump of children born in the immediate aftermath of World War II, Japan’s baby boom generation.

  2. Here in Taiwan I mostly see the character 塊 when referring to pieces of fried chicken on the menu at KFC.

  3. Sorry you all lose because you cheated. As the official winner I will congratulate myself with a warm bath in little lumps of chicken grease.

  4. Well, I recognized 塊 from the game 塊魂 (Katamari Damacy, as the official transliteration goes.) I assume that Adamu mistook the character for the right half of that pairing, tamashii? It’s pretty hard to tell with a small font.

  5. Well, I recognized 塊 from the game 塊魂 (Katamari Damacy, as the official transliteration goes). I assume that Adamu mistook the character for the right half of the pairing; that’s very easy to do, especially with a small font. I assume that that 土 radical makes it have to do with lump or clod.

  6. Well I knew it was katamari and whatnot I just didn’t recognize what it referred to………..

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