4 thoughts on “Begging the question”

  1. LOL
    You guys need to do more post on these bozos. How about a weekly collage of the best JT civilians?

  2. beg the question
    【1】 論点{ろんてん}[問題{もんだい}・困難{こんなん}]を巧みに避ける、立場{たちば}を濁す、はぐらかす
    ・ She kept begging the question even though her father demanded a straight answer. 父親がきちんとした答えを求めても、彼女は話をうまくはぐらかし続けた。
    【2】 疑問{ぎもん}を投げ掛ける

  3. Maybe it’s kiNNNiku and NNN is the name of his pro wrestling posse.

    New Nippon kNights maybe.

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