The pitfalls of the furry bra

At the risk of looking like Japundit, I present the Triumph® Heated Bra™, designed in response to the Warm Biz campaign.

This prompted a discussion with my friend “K.” As it turned out, she was an expert on furry bra physics:

[11:05] K: you know, i saw that earlier today and it doesn't make sense
[11:06] J: yeah... i imagine that boobies don't get that cold
[11:06] K: well, if it WERE that cold out... it's hard to wear a shirt over a furry bra
[11:06] K: but if it's warm enough for no shirt, then you don't need a warm bra!
[11:06] J: stop hating on the furry bras
[11:07] K: i don't hate it, but i'm saying that they didn't think it through
[11:07] K: like, it might be nice at a january football game
[11:07] J: yes
[11:08] K: but you're more than welcome to wear one
[11:08] J: mmmm fur
[11:09] K: it's like that diamond-encrusted bra... it's just... not comfortable!

UPDATE: I later showed this to a Japanese ladyfriend, “M.” Her response, in its entirety:

[10:46] M: that is pretty

10 thoughts on “The pitfalls of the furry bra”

  1. When will women learn that novelty bras and all other such items of fashion are purely intended for the entertainment and possible gratification of surly, insecure men?

    Anyway, that bra should be a really great way to keep women warm… FOR ME TO POOP ON!!!!!

  2. Maybe we would, but we’re not doing this out of a fantasy of turning a profit by collecting wacky links. What happened to Ampontan? He actually wrote good and substantial pieces.

  3. Do I have this straight? You’re somehow lowering your standards — which don’t exclude linking to outdated nude pix of a talented and intelligent woman who has quite courageously transcended her past appearances in pornography — by putting up a copycat post with a snide comment about the site you copied.
    Oh, but you’re cool because you have no profit motive and a “my tech’s bigger than your tech” attitude?
    Is that a whiff of hypocrisy I smell?

  4. Oh, Iijima Ai? Sorry if I offended you, but that’s just what come up on a google image search — something I routinely do to give some background to the people I’m writing about. I’m sure you must have a lot of respect for her work, but how can you seriously sit there and say that “linking to nude pictures” of a former porn actress is some kind of libel? As far as I can tell, that’s her whole gimmick as a talent anyway.

    But yeah, say what you want to defend your favorite web site.

  5. Tell the truth, I don’t ever recall being offended by pix of Ai iijima.
    “as far as (you) can tell” — well, obviously you don’t tell too far, mate. Ai Iijima just happens to be a very bright woman with (forgive me here for getting personal, but) quite a bit more interesting things to say than you’ve shown to-date. well, maybe it’s just that you haven’t been paying attention. no biggie; your loss.
    I didn’t say it was libel. I simply point out that for a site with a holier-than-thou attitude it’s a bit, well, shall we just say not all that holy…
    anyway, just to clear things up, my favorite web site is actually, which is getting more and more interesting by the day.
    and sorry if the name offends you — well, then again, that’s a lie. I really don’t give a rat’s butt.

  6. Let this one go, Adamu. If he prefers, he isn’t within our target demographic anyway.

    ::/me goes back to his lab to plot some more holier-than-thou comments::

  7. It does look pretty, but in my experience boobies have always been the warmest part on my body, so this is a bit impractical.

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