Comments: lost and found

We’ve had some comments disappear on our most recent posts. Adamu and I are currently trying to figure out what happened, but for the record, we are not trying to censor anyone. No matter how pissed off, abusive, or ridiculous your comment is, we will approve and post it, so long as it isn’t spam. And we do not delete comments once posted. If your comment has gone missing, it’s not us. We don’t want you to shut up.

We apologize for this problem and hope to have it fixed soon. In the meantime, keep the arguments, discussions, and rants coming: we appreciate every one. We’ll let everyone know once we’ve diagnosed the problem: for now, I’m blaming the gremlins.

One thought on “Comments: lost and found”

  1. Yeah we’ll call you names and accuse you of being a fraud, but it’s all in the interest of open debate!

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