
Treats in a Beijing market.
March 6 2004

I’ve done a closeup as well so you can clearly see the seahorses. There was another stall later on that had actual whole starfish on a stick as a snack food, one of the most horrifying things I have ever seen. When I tried to take a picture the stall owner blocked my shot, so I just went on.

Interestingly there are two different kinds of similar food stalls on this street in the market. One is like this, with a variety of meats and … things that you could charitably call meat. The other is stalls run by Uyghur, the Muslim minority of the Western Xinjiang province of China. As muslims they would never eat or sell something as un-halal as a seahorse. I can’t say I blame them.


4 thoughts on “Snacks”

  1. Pingback: ro mo blog
  2. Hello Sir,
    I have many Cricket insect Farm, I need some information abaout market and shelling the Cricket, Can you help and give me some Information thank for your attention I am hearring to you.

  3. This is absolutely discusting!!!!!!!!!!! That’s the most horrifying thing I’ve ever seen!! Seahorses are my favoritw animals and I can’t believe this is what is happening to them!

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